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Ptelea trifoliata 'Aurea'

This is more a record of absence than a useful note. I have been fascinated by Ptelea from a distance for many years - strange foliage, curious fruits. A generally odd small tree.

Trees and Shnrubs online describe the species as:

" ...one of the most distinct of hardy trees, and it is interesting for its large crops of curious elm-like fruits which often strew the ground in its neighbourhood throughout the winter, the fleshy part of the wing having decayed and left the netted veins."

Quite by chance I was offered a tiny sapling of the yellow leaved form and I thought it might be fun to try it under the shade of an old Field Maple where it could grow tall enough to survive once I felled the protective Acer. It's a fascinating plan and like so many fascinating plans it was felled by a passing rabbit in the night. Who would have believed that a shrub sometimes called the Golden Stinking Ash would be so tasty to the dear little bunnies.
Well, it is no more. A plan worth trying again one day.

Trees and shrubs online says:

"Leaves yellow at first, later lime-green. Uncommon but very handsome. Raised in Germany at the end of the 19th century."

Not a word about the bunnies!

12th September 2010


  • International Dendrology Society, Trees and Shrubs Online, https://treesandshrubsonline.org (accessed 13.04.2024).