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Pseudowintera colorata 'Red Leopard'

20th March 2015 1st December 2020 2nd April 2021
A small growing evergreem shrub with very strange yellow/ochre leaves. All forms develop red spotting on some of the leaves, but in 'Red Leopard' it can be pronounced.
I got it from a local discount store and the label that came with it said:

"a cultivar of the Horopito or Pepper tree, an evergreen New Zeal shrub that grows to around 3m tall. 'Red Leopard' emphasises the red tones that the foliage develops, mainly during the colder months. It also produces clusters of tiny flowers followed by red-black fruits."

I grew it in the greenhouse for several years but finally planted it out in 2020. Since then it has grown slowly and been regularly trimmed by the local deer - it really needs a bit more protection from them. According to Leafland.co.nz:

"Pseudowintera colorata 'Red Leopard' is a selection of Pseudowintera colorata that features deeper and more consistent coloring than the typical species. It is an attractive grower with aromatic foliage that is rich-red in color when young, eventually maturing to a yellow-green with red speckles and margins. Due to its unique coloration and appearance, it is an excellent choice for creating a stunning hedge. Pseudowintera colorata is evergreen and native to New Zealand. Pseudowintera colorata 'Red Leopard' was developed before 1996 by D. Hughes at Blue Mountain Nurseries in Tapanui, New Zealand (PVR 1403)."


  • Leafland, https://leafland.co.nz/trees/pseudowintera-colorata-red-leopard/ (accessed 09.04.2024).