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Primula burmanica

The results of some seed from the Hardy Plant Society seed list. The Alpine Garden Society encyclopedia says:

"Similar to P. bulleyana ssp. beesiana, differing principally in lacking farina, darker green leaves with a purple mid-rib and dark red to purple flowers with a greenish eye. China, extreme north-western Yunnan and north-east Burma in wet meadows and forests, 2700-3200 m. A waterside primula, flourishing in permanently wet sites, but less invasive than P. bulleyana.

I don't really have anywhere suitable for it so I gave a lot away and killed the remainder. There are several distinct stocks in cultivation, probably as a result of hybridisation. I do not know how close this is to the species.

24th May 2016


  • Alpine Garden Society, http://encyclopaedia.alpinegardensociety.net/plants/Primula/burmanica (accessed 21.01.2024).