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Primula 'Broadwell Milkmaid'

A seedling raised by Joe Elliott from a cross between P. allionii and P. 'White Linda Pope'.

Given a Preliminary Commendation by the Alpine Garden Society in 1999. In the write-up Chris Grey-Wilson says:

"This particular batch of seedlings resulted from a 1982 sowing, but it has taken the best part of two decades first to assess and then to distribute material; 'Broadwell Milkmaid' is less multipliable than such siblings as the larger, lilac flowered 'Clarence Elliott'. Unlike that clone, it does not cram its flowers to the point of squashing; a scape bears from 5-8 flowers on average, at first peeping from farina-dusted calyces, and unleashing a mantle of rather dainty flowers from late February onwards. Most seedlings of this parentage bare lilac to pinkish-purple flowered, and at present there is no mistaking this clone."

29th March 2018

14th March 2019 19th March 2019 23rd March 2023


  • Grey-Wilson, Chris - Awards 1999, Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.68 No.2 p.227 (2000)