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Polyscias sambucifolia

10th October 2022

My current wild flirtation with the genus Polyscias sambucifolia was inspired by seeing P. sambucifolia growing at the Savill Garden. I was delighted to be given one shortly after. I worried, but planted it in the garden immediately. It has survived undamaged through the first winter despite a heavy snow fall and went on to flower in late summer.
The species comes from eastern Australia where it can grow up to 11m tall. My plant seems to have much finer leaflets than is typical.

10th October 2022 28th July 2023 25th August 2023


  • Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyscias_sambucifolia (accessed 02.12.2023) .
  • International Dendrology Society, Trees and Shrubs Online, https://treesandshrubsonline.org