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Persicaria sinuata 'Needham's Form'

15th August 2014

A vigorous, trailing species introduced from Nepal by Edward Needham. It was overgrown here quite rapidly and did not survive well when shaded. It is still availabe in cultivation. It was introduced as a form of P. runcinata, but it does not resemble other forms of the species. It has now been identified as P. sinuata.
The Flora of Pakistan says:

"Closely related to east Himalayan species Persicaria runcinata (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) H. Gross and looks like a mini edition of the latter by having runcinate (pinnately lobed) leaves. However it can immediately be identified by its overall smaller size, obtuse tepals and almost glabrous peduncle which is sometimes hairy just below the head. In P. runcinata the tepals are acute and peduncle is hairy."

  • Growild Nursery, https://www.growildnursery.co.uk/store/p304/Persicaria_sinuata_Edward_Needham_Collection.html (accessed 23.07.2023).
  • Hardy Plant Society, https://www.hardy-plant.org.uk/blog/sally-adams-feb-21 (accessed 23.07.2023).
  • Flora of Pakistan, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=242100109 (accessed 23.07.2023).