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Peralgonium cordifolium var. rubrocinctum

12th December 2009

I bought this last year at a plant fair from a man who promised it was hardy in an unheated tunnel. In brief, I think he overstated the case. Excellent red stems, and I am prepared to forgive the leggy habit, but it struggled in the conservatory and certainly wouldn't have made it in the greenhouse.
Footnote: In the conservatory it stopped struggling, and not in a good way!
Planted in the ground in my warmest greenhouse it has been vigorous, dying back in winter but rapidly recovering when spring warms the place.
Grows naturally along the coast of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. The variety P. cordifolium rubrocinctum is distinguished by its reddish-pink flowers with maroon veins (pink in P.c.cordifolium and paler leaves.

11th May 2017

28th April 2022

  • The Pelargonium Page, https://www.pelargonium.si/pelargonium/cordifolium.html (accessed 21.05.2023).
  • Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pelargonium_cordifolium (accessed 21.05.2023).