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Narcissus 'Daphne'

3rd May 2013

You know how it is with daffodils, something catches your eye and suddenly you end up going home with a great box of them, filled with enthusiasm and uncertainty.
I was at a Plant Heritage Fair at Hyde Hall and when I got home this was one of the things I had bought. As double flowered Narcissus go, it isn't one of the most beautiful but it has a certain quaintness. Further research has shown that it can be a lot more regular and attractive when it has settled in.
Raised in the UK by Frederick Culpin some time before 1914 from an open pollinated capsule of 'Ornatus'. Fortunately it is relatively easy to find space for small daffodils while they muster some delight.

15th April 2018

17th March 2019

Six years later I am still waiting for it to settle in.


  • Daffseek - Daffodil Database, https://daffseek.org