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Libertia chilensis Formosa Group

18th May 2008

Libertia chilensis Formosa Group. One of those rare herbaceous plants that makes a quiet mark in the garden, but does it without having a single fault, which makes it precious.
I planted a few out when I moved here, and have done nothing to help it since, but it continues to prosper. This plant is growing under a Magnolia. It seeds around mildly, has evergreen foliage that looks cheery even in winter and is easily removed if unwanted.

1st May 2011

For several years I have worried slightly that my plants labelled L. grandiflora do not quite match the plants grown in a number of Botanic Gardens (most notably Kew) under that name. Clarity followed an article (in the Plantsman I think). My plants belong to the Formosa Group of L. chilensis

8th June 2013

19th June 2015

Native to central and southern Chile and northern Argentina.