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Iris ensata 'Dace'

22nd June 2008

A delightful pale pink form which has flowered for the first time here this year. I assume that the name is Japanese and does not relate to the delightful silvery fresh water fish that shimmered elusively though my adolescence. I went fishing - well, dangling , for nothing was ever caught and the sleek Dace was one of the many uncaught occupants of my local rivers.
Something swift and elusive about this one as well.
Registered in 1979, the AIS register says;

'Dace'. (Jill Copeland, R. 1979) Sdlng 78-022 (Double). 26" (67cm). Early to late bloom. Ruffled very pale violet-blue, fading to white, yellow orange signal. Unknown parentage.


  • The American Iris Society Encyclopedia, https://wiki.irises.org