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Ficaria verna 'E.A.Bowles'

23rd March 2005

This is probably the same plant as 'Double Bronze'. The name has been applied to a number of different plants, and although E.A.Bowles deserves to be commemorated, there are now rather more different plants around than even that mighty name could be expected to support.

I retain the name for two reasons, neither particularly good, but there you go.
First, 'Double Bronze' is a really stinky name for a beautiful and ancient plant. However witless we may be as a generation of gardeners, we must surely be able to do better than that!
Second, this plant seems to me to be fuller in the flowers, larger and brighter than my plant of 'Double Bronze'. This form is being distributed by FarPlants, and for a number of years now I have been impressed by the way they distribute not just the best plants, but also seek out the best forms of the best plants. (No, we're not connected!)

26th March 2005

26th March 2005

10th April 2005

25th January 2006

30th March 2008

12th March 2009

29th March 2012

15th February 2017

27th March 2020