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Firmiana simplex

14th June 2011

The Chinese Parasol Tree is a delightful thing. I was given this young sapling and it has survived in a cold greenhouse through last winter. Magnificent large leaves, it would probably be good if it was stooled, assuming it can tolerate cool summers. I think it might be one of those things that only really prospers if it is hot in the summer.
It will be ok in the greenhouse for a couple of years yet.

25th October 2014

As it grows in the greenhouse I get a terrible sense of foreboding about the tree to come. It will be perfectly hardy outside but I think it might need a warmer summer than I get to really prosper. I suppose I won't know until I plant it, and it is high in the list of things to do.

13th April 2020

The time has come to face the fact that it can't stay under cover any more. It has been planted outside and it hates it. I am hoping that it will get some roots established and grow away but I suspect my summers are just too cool for it. I have seen it grown in the southwest so it isn't impossible, just unlikely.