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Erythronium revolutum

Archive entry 27.04.14

3rd May 2013

I have a number of yellow Erythronium and I was pleased to finally get hold of a plant of the pink E.revolutum. It is reasonably common in cultivation, but somehow it had eluded me.
The species ranges from California to British Columbia in a narrow strip (about 100 miles wide) along to the coast. It grows in damp, occasionally shaded positions and is quite variable. I was especially happy to find a deep pink flowered form. The paler ones are lovely, but not what I was looking for. In favoured gardens it spreads slowly by seed.

25th April 2015

15th April 2017

I spread the seed around the garden every year but still no sign of seedlings. I might be forced to do something more deliberate eventually.

23rd April 2021