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Disa Bettys Bay

6th February 20212

I have repeated the hybrid between Disa uniflora and Disa Diores a few times, searching for variability

Seed Parent
Pollen Parent
Disa uniflora Clone.7
Disa Diores 'Inca Princess'

11th July 2020

Disa (uniflora clone.7 x Diores 'Inca Princess').
My first attempt at the hybrid, they started flowering in 2020. I call them Disa Betty's Bay Princess Group.

Disa Betty's Bay Princess Group

Seed Parent
Pollen Parent
Disa Diores 'Inca King'
Disa uniflora yellow

22nd October 2018

Disa (Diores 'Inca King' x uniflora yellow).
I don't flower the yellow form of D. uniflora very often so I took the opportunity to try and produce D. Bettys Bay that carried the recessive anthocyanin free gene as a step on the way to producing anthocyanin free yellow hybrids, hopefully with a little vigour.
Unfortunately the pod contained no seed.