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Camellia 'Elegant Beauty'

21st April 2006

Makes an interesting shining shrub with long arching growths.

8th April 2007

30th March 2008

3rd April 2009

11th March 2012

3rd May 2013

7th March 2015

Raised by L. E. Jury in New Zealand. A deliberate hybrid between C. saluenensis and C. japonica 'Elegans'. Elegant like a pop video involving too much golden lycra and beauty - well, the same video. I don't love it, like a dance track I didn't grow up with (I won't ennumerate them), but I have a grudging admiration for the way it makes the most of what it has.

22nd March 2019


  • International Camellia Society online Camellia register, https://internationalcamellia.org