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Alocasia cucullata

14th September 2007

I bought this plant as Alocasia macrorhiza because my small plant was looking rather sad, and this large plant was looking fantastic. As it grew through the summer it became clear that it is actually Alocasia cucullata. I have grown small plants before and had great problems getting them to prosper but this larger one has prospered.

5th August 2008

It has remained robust through the winter, though it came indoors for protection. This summer it has grown well in the greenhouse and I have high hopes for it.

1st August 2009

This year the Alocasia have been better than the Colocasia for the display they have delivered. They need more protection to come through the winter, but they are evergreen so there is more interest through the year.

26th November 2010

The species originated in China and is widely found in south east Asia. It has also been introduced to many of the Pacific Islands and much of South America and the Caribbean. It only occurs in close asociation with man and it may be a hybrid selected in cultivation. It is not known growing in a wild population (where it is clearly not a relict of deliberate cultivation).