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Aeschynanthus novogracilis

Archive entry 31.08.08

23rd February 2006

This came to me from China as a tiny little fragment just about clinging on to life. It had been rather dessicated in transit. It has bounced back quite well, and it will be interesting to see if it is as hardy as is claimed!

12th September 2006

During the course of the first year it has formed a compact rather lax shrublet. It hasn't shown any inclination to flower, but neither has it been damaged by cold in the greenhouse. The next step will be to propagate some more, and see how it does in a sheltered spot outside!

31st August 2008

The scarlet flowers transform it into an astonishing spectacle, and it is wonderful to confirm that it is true to name.

20th September 2009

3rd September 2011